Please click here for membership renewals and waiver.


Palm Springs Gun Club is a private, members only club, THE RANGE IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Organized matches are held on most weekends.

For information on how to attend the match, please see this page.

The club hosts introductory matches for the novice shooter several times a year. Intro matches focus on: range safety, safe gun handling, range commands & etiquette, and some of the scoring methods used at other matches. As a community of active shooters, it is quite common for the more experienced shooters to help out beginners on an informal basis.

A list of matches current held at PSGC are listed here. Membership is not required to participate in matches as a competitor but you will need to be accompanied by a PSGC member.

Approximately one dozen of our members are Range Officers certified by the National Range Officer Institute.

You are encouraged to come out to a match to see what we do. Each match has a unique flavor and offers a different experience for the shooter. A shooter who has not experienced competition is encouraged to watch a match or two before taking part in a match.

We are currently in the process of going through channels to obtain an easment for permanent access to the new property.

PSGC Members, your continuing support and patience during this project is appreciated!

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