PSGC Range Rules & Waiver
All Members, Guests, Agencies and Spectators are Subject to Range Rules & Waiver while on PSGC Range Property.
All Federal, State, and Local firearms laws must be complied with. Failure to comply with the following may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, result in removal from the range, revocation of membership or other remedies available
to the PSGC.
Treat all firearms as if they were loaded.
Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction and never point
at anything you are not willing to destroy.
Keep your finger off the trigger and indexed along the frame until you are ready to shoot.
Be aware of your target and what is beyond.
Click here to download the waiver.
- Lock the range entry gate upon your arrival and departure except during a scheduled match.
- Range key is to be kept in the possession of the Member. It is prohibited to loan the range key to a non-member.
- Members must have their Membership Card in their possession and displayed while on PSGC property. Present your PSGC Member ID upon request by a PSGC Range Safety Officer.
- Eye protection is mandatory for every person while on range property.
- No handling of uncased firearms anywhere other than in a shooting bay facing downrange, or in a Safety Area during a match. Handling of ammunition is prohibited in Safety Areas.
- This is a “COLD RANGE”. This means all firearms are to be unloaded except in the bays while shooting.
- While using a bay keep all firearms pointed within 90 degrees either side of downrange.
- Shotguns and rifles must be carried either cased or muzzle up/muzzle down with action open.
- Set your target heights and location to ensure that no projectile leaves the range.
- Approved commercial steel targets in proper condition and set at the appropriate down angle are only to be placed at the rear/ impact area of the shooting bay.
- The use of shotgun slugs and rifle rounds on steel targets is prohibited.
- The use of non-standard targets is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, exploding targets, Tannerite, ground based kinetic targets, aerial targets, bottles, cans, canisters, rocks, glass, appliances, TVs, etc. Do not leave anything on the range that you brought onto the property.
- The use of Tracer, Incendiary, Armor Piercing or Steel Core ammunition is prohibited.
- Recover your empty cases and shotgun hulls before you leave. Put your trash in the trash barrels.
- Comply with the posted Safety Notices in the shooting bays.
- The range is closed for general use during some scheduled matches. Spectators are welcome. Contact the Match Director with any questions regarding availability. Check the club web site under Calendar of Events for schedules.
- The day prior to a match may be used for set-up. Members are permitted to use the range but are not permitted to utilize any targets or props placed in the bays intended for match use.
- Replace any tables or benches that you have moved to their original location up range under the shade structures.
- Centerfire rifles are only allowed on Bay 6, 7 and 8.
- Destruction of any PSGC range property including, but not limited to, benches, tables, targets, structures, bins, etc., is prohibited.
- When sharing a bay by choice, coordinate line breaks among yourselves. Request a Cease Fire, at which time all shooters will leave firearms unloaded with actions open and step away from the benches/tables. Once all shooters are away from the benches, call Range is Clear. Do not approach the benches/tables or handle any firearms during this period. At this time shooters may proceed down range. Once finished downrange and it is confirmed everyone has returned from down range, call Range is Hot. Shooters may then proceed back to their shooting bench and resume shooting.
- Always stay off the dirt berms.
- Do not disturb any wildlife on the range property.
- Alcohol and drugs are prohibited on PSGC property. Any person thought to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave the range.
- Any unauthorized commercial use of the range by a member is prohibited.
- Unsafe, rude, threatening, disparaging, slanderous, libelous, or unsportsmanlike actions or behavior is prohibited.
- If asked to leave the range by an authorized Range Safety Officer, Match Director or Board Member for a rule(s) and/or safety violation, do so immediately. Subsequently, you may contact a Board Member and request a Board review of the event if you are in disagreement of the range official’s decision.
- A Member is entitled to bring two (2) Guests to the range at any one time. A Release/Waiver form must be signed by each guest and deposited in the designated box located at the clubhouse prior to shooting. A member is limited to bringing 10 guests per year and no more than 3 visits of the same Guest.
- To report any range condition that needs to be addressed, or if you have any questions regarding the Range Rules & Waiver, please contact (760) 578-3358, or any Board Member listed under Contacts on the club web site.
Compliance with the Range Rules is a condition of membership. Failure to comply may result in revocation of membership.